COVID-19 Outbreak Plan

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A Message from Distinctive Living

With help from the Centers for Disease Control, the following guidance has been updated as of September 23, 2022, to reduce the risk of exposure to the residents, employees, and visitors.

This Outbreak Plan is to be used in conjunction with the COVID-19 Rapid Response Toolkit.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19 or how we’re safeguarding your loved ones, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Communicating with Residents & Families

Communication is an integral aspect of our outbreak plan. Our communication plan details how the community will notify residents, team members, and families in the event of an outbreak. This plan will also be utilized when there is no positive case within the community.

The community requires communication to the following individuals and entities upon receipt of notification of POSITIVE results from COVID-19 testing for any residents, employees, or visitors:

  • Local Department of Health
  • County Department of Health
  • Resident responsible parties
  • Employees

The communication to responsible parties and employees will include the community’s response and course of action as directed by the Department of Health to minimize the continued spread of the virus.

Communication may be via phone, text, video, email, letter, and/or through social media.

In addition to the notification of an initial positive result, the community will provide cumulative weekly updates to responsible parties through phone calls and/or emails. These updates will include the community’s continued approach to mitigating the risk of continued spread as directed by our public agencies.

In the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case within the community, whether it is a resident or team member, this community will communicate the positive case within 24 hours.

Visitors will be required to sign an acknowledgement that they are aware of positive cases within the community.

Emergency Staffing Solutions

Due to the current environment and the continued threat of spreading COVID-19, the community may see an increase in employee absences. In preparation for this potential risk, the community has developed a COVID-19 Emergency Staffing Plan to reduce the risk of employee shortages due to extended employee absences related to COVID-19.

As part of this plan, if the community is anticipating an extended employee absence, the community will proactively work closely with other sister communities or third-party providers as necessary to provide relief staff. If the staffing shortage is unanticipated, the community will work expeditiously to meet the needs of all residents in the event of an outbreak.

  • The community has secured a contract with at least 2 staffing agencies that have confirmed their staff will work in a COVID-positive environment in the event of extended absences due to COVID-19.
  • The Executive Director must develop and maintain a COVID-19 Emergency Staffing List with current contact information to include:
    • Existing employees
    • Staffing agencies
    • Per diem employees willing to work in a COVID-19-positive environment
  • Additional action items for securing staff:
    • Communicate with sister communities about the need for certain shifts
    • Offer incentives to team members to pick up open shifts
    • Utilize regional support for assistance

Keeping Our Community Safe

All persons entering the community will be screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or risk of exposure to COVID-19.

  • Hand washing or use of ABHG upon entry.
  • Surgical masks are to be worn to gain entry into the community.
  • Cloth masks will not be allowed—offer surgical masks if necessary.
  • Temperature and a Respiratory Screening Questionnaire will be completed.
  • Offer and encourage POC antigen rapid testing to be conducted upon arrival. Visitors are not required to comply with testing.
  • A staff member will review the questionnaire and POC Antigen test results and acknowledge the criteria met to enter the community.
  • Notify all persons that masks are not to be removed at any time.
  • Wash hands or use alcohol-based hand gel after the screening process is complete.
  • Unvaccinated individuals must maintain a social distance of 6 feet.

Measures for Staff

  • Hand washing or use of ABHG upon entry.
  • Surgical masks are to be worn to gain entry into the community.
  • N95 Masks only.
  • Temperature and a Respiratory Screening Questionnaire will be completed.
  • A staff member will review the questionnaire and acknowledge that the criteria have been met to enter the community.
  • Wash hands or use alcohol-based hand gel after the screening process is complete.
  • Staff members are informed to stay home if not feeling well or exhibiting signs and symptoms.
    • Encourage testing to be completed with follow-up with their primary care physician.
  • Upon outbreak status, Infection Control Processes will be implemented, including Full Droplet precautions.

Measures for Residents

  • Temperature checks daily or as directed by the Local Health Department on the outside community/county outbreak status.
  • Monitor for signs and symptoms and notify the primary care physician and POA/responsible party:
    • Fever 99.4 or over
    • Cough
    • Shortness of Breath
    • Chills
    • Malaise
    • Loss of taste or smell

COVID-19 Vaccinations

As of September 7, 2021, Distinctive Living employees shall have their first COVID-19 vaccine administered (Moderna and Pfizer) or single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Moderna and Pfizer’s second doses shall be completed by October 7. Johnson and Johnson vaccines will be completed by September 7, 2021.

All new employees shall either be fully vaccinated or have their first Moderna or Pfizer vaccine prior to their first shift/orientation. Booster doses shall be completed as employees become eligible.

Staff members that are exempt from vaccination for medical or religious reasons must submit documentation regarding the exemption and be tested daily prior to the start of their shift. (Unvaccinated employees will be tested daily until fully vaccinated). Employees will be considered fully vaccinated 14 days after their second dose of Moderna or Pfizer and 14 days after the single Johnson and Johnson immunization.

COVID-19 Testing

Employee Testing

  • Upon hire: New employees must present a NEGATIVE PCR COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to their first shift, including orientation.
  • Regardless of vaccination status, anyone with even mild symptoms of COVID-19 should receive a viral test for SARS-CoV-2 as soon as possible.
  • Staff members that have a known or suspected exposure to SARS-CoV-2:
    • Testing is recommended 24 hours after the exposure
  • If negative:
    • Test again 48 hours after the first negative
    • Test again 38 hours after the second negative
    • Exposure is day 0. Testing will occur on days 1, 3, and 5 after first exposed
  • Testing is not recommended for asymptomatic people who have recovered from COVID-19 infection in the previous 30 days. An antigen test is recommended as a NAAT test may remain positive but not infectious during this period.
  • Resident testing will occur:
    • A NEGATIVE PCR COVID-19 test shall be received within 96 hours prior to admission
    • Upon suspected or confirmed exposure to COVID-19
    • Upon exhibiting symptoms
  • Private duty (essential caregivers) will follow the same testing schedule as community staff.

Infection Control

  • Signage will be posted at entry points of the community, alerting staff and visitors that positive cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the community.
  • All staff are to wear N-95 Masks.
  • Visitors will be screened and required to wear masks for source control.
  • Social distancing will be highly encouraged.
  • Isolation carts are to be placed outside the positive resident/residents’ doorway.
  • PPE is to be changed with each interaction.
  • Medical equipment is to be assigned to residents testing positive.
  • All staff will be required to be in full PPE to prevent community transmission. 
  • Maintenance/housekeeping to provide deep cleaning of all areas of the community upon the first COVID-19 positive test.
  • Regular cleaning of hard surfaces.
  • Encourage residents to wear masks and wash their hands or use ABHG upon leaving the apartment.

Local Health Department or State Regulatory Guidance may supersede the Outbreak Response Plan. Please request any guidance from regulatory authorities in writing.

Why Choose Us

Find support through all of life’s moments. Our rehabilitation services help your loved one stay active, engaged, and thriving.

Services & Experiences

There’s more to explore outside our community! Enjoy restaurants, shops, and entertainment, all within walking distance of our community.


Relax, recharge, and rejuvenate in our luscious outdoor spaces, complete with walking paths, sitting areas, and even a grill!

Our Community

The Village at Bellevue Snapshots

Where to Find Us


  • 8118B Sawyer Brown Rd.
  • Nashville, TN 37221


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