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5 Fun Activities for Seniors in Nashville

A group of seniors walking with their arms around each other having fun on a guided tour of Nashville.

Age should never get in the way of fun, engaging events. But for seniors and caregivers alike, thinking of new ways to spend an afternoon can be challenging. In Nashville, there are almost endless opportunities for a fun experience—if you know where to look, you might even find some discounts. Some fun activities for seniors […]

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Can Someone with Dementia Sign Legal Documents

A close-up of a senior with dementia signing legal documents

Understanding the legal intricacies of signing documents for someone with dementia requires a deep dive into the notion of legal capacity, the progressive nature of dementia, and the safeguards designed to protect individuals with memory care needs, including those in senior living communities.  It’s important to note that being diagnosed with dementia does not necessarily […]

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Memory Care and Assisted Living: What are the Differences?

A group of older adults playing together at the assisted living cafe.

Memory care and assisted living are 2 types of long-term care communities designed for older adults, but they cater to different needs and types of residents. Understanding their key differences can help families make informed decisions about the best care option for their loved ones.  Both types of communities prioritize their residents’ safety, health, and […]

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The Village at Bellevue Named Among Nashville’s Best Retirement Communities

Nashville, TN – March 15, 2024 – The Village at Bellevue is honored to announce its recognition as one of the best retirement communities in Nashville, Tennessee, as featured in a recent roundup by This prestigious acknowledgment highlights The Village at Bellevue’s dedication to providing a high-quality, enriching lifestyle for its residents. Known for […]

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