Memory Care in Nashville

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Making the Most of Every Moment

We understand the overwhelming stress and uncertainty cognitive conditions can place on you and your loved ones. Our memory care lifestyle provides your loved ones with the support they need to enjoy life with comfort, ease, and happiness.

At The Village at Bellevue, we’re here to provide the support, safety, and security you need, allowing your loved one to focus on making the most of every moment.

What Is Moments Matter™?

Moments Matter™ is our memory care program designed to support those living with cognitive concerns, including dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. 

Our trained and certified memory care partners go above and beyond basic living services and are committed to creating meaningful experiences and nurturing individual strengths.

When to Choose Memory Care

Caring for a loved one with memory-related conditions can be emotionally challenging, so it’s important to recognize when memory care becomes the most appropriate choice for your loved one’s needs. 

Our empathetic team is here to guide you through these difficult decisions, and is trained to work with individuals living with a range of cognition-affecting conditions.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. Our memory care program provides the specialized support needed to enhance the quality of life for those with Alzheimer’s.

Dementia is a broader term to describe a cognitive disease that can interfere with daily life.
Our memory care team is trained to address the unique needs of individuals living with dementia, providing a safe and stimulating environment.

Parkinson’s disease can impact motor skills and cognitive function. 

Our comprehensive memory care program includes tailored support to help individuals with Parkinson’s maintain as much independence as possible and support their well-being.

What to Expect

At The Village, we offer a warm and inviting community with a range of amenities designed to enhance the lives of our residents. In addition to a vibrant outdoor space and indoor and outdoor visiting areas, you can also enjoy:

Community Amenities

  • Restaurant-style dining
  • A multipurpose room for games, music, and more
  • Rehab therapy spaces
  • Microwave and refrigerator
  • Spacious bathrooms designed for comfort and mobility
  • Weekly housekeeping and laundry services
  • Utilities like water, electricity, and Wi-Fi, included at no additional cost

Support Your Loved One Today

Your journey toward memory care starts here. We invite you to schedule a visit to The Village at Bellevue, where your loved one can experience a life filled with meaningful moments. 

Schedule a visit and let us be part of your loved one’s journey.

Why Choose Us

Find support through all of life’s moments. Our rehabilitation services help your loved one stay active, engaged, and thriving.

Services & Experiences

There’s more to explore outside our community! Enjoy restaurants, shops, and entertainment, all within walking distance of our community.


Relax, recharge, and rejuvenate in our luscious outdoor spaces, complete with walking paths, sitting areas, and even a grill!

Our Community

The Village at Bellevue Snapshots

Where to Find Us


  • 8118B Sawyer Brown Rd.
  • Nashville, TN 37221


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