Respite Care in Nashville

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Short-Term Care for Loved Ones, Caregivers, & Family

Life can sometimes present unexpected challenges for both us and our loved ones. At The Village at Bellevue, we understand this and want to provide a solution. Our respite care services provide short-term relief, comfort, and ease for your loved ones, caregivers, and family members when you need it most.

What Is Respite Care?

Respite care is a compassionate and supportive lifestyle that offers temporary relief for caregivers and their loved ones. 

When you choose respite care at our community, your loved one gains full access to all our services and amenities, offering them a comfortable and engaging stay.

Should You Choose Respite Care?

Imagine you or your loved one residing in a place where well-being is the top priority, even if it’s just for a brief period.

 Our respite care residents have full access to the vibrant community at The Village and all its services and amenities, offering a stay that is not only supportive but also enjoyable.

If your loved one is recuperating from an injury or surgery, our respite care program provides a nurturing environment where individuals can heal and regain their strength. 

Our experienced team is here to offer the care and assistance needed during this crucial time.

Caregiving can be rewarding, but it’s also physically and emotionally demanding.
Respite care offers caregivers the opportunity to take a well-deserved break, knowing their loved one is in capable and caring hands at The Village at Bellevue.

If you’re considering a more permanent move to an assisted living community, respite care allows you and your loved one to experience our warm and vibrant community firsthand.
It’s a chance to get to know our friendly residents and dedicated staff and explore our amenities.

Find the Support Your Loved One Deserves

No matter the reason, respite care at The Village at Bellevue offers a supportive and welcoming environment for your loved one’s short-term needs. Our community is committed to providing comfort, convenience, and compassionate care.

Ready to experience the peace of mind that respite care can provide? Schedule a visit today and discover how we can support your loved one during their stay.

Why Choose Us

Find support through all of life’s moments. Our rehabilitation services help your loved one stay active, engaged, and thriving.

Services & Experiences

There’s more to explore outside our community! Enjoy restaurants, shops, and entertainment, all within walking distance of our community.


Relax, recharge, and rejuvenate in our luscious outdoor spaces, complete with walking paths, sitting areas, and even a grill!

Our Community

The Village at Bellevue Snapshots

Where to Find Us


  • 8118B Sawyer Brown Rd.
  • Nashville, TN 37221


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