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5 Fun Activities for Seniors in Nashville

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A group of seniors walking with their arms around each other having fun on a guided tour of Nashville.

Age should never get in the way of fun, engaging events. But for seniors and caregivers alike, thinking of new ways to spend an afternoon can be challenging. In Nashville, there are almost endless opportunities for a fun experience—if you know where to look, you might even find some discounts.

Some fun activities for seniors in Nashville include:

  1. The Country Music Hall of Fame
  2. Visiting the Parthenon
  3. Visiting the Frist Art Museum
  4. Guided tours
  5. Watching live music

There’s something new in Nashville every day. So what are you waiting for?

The Country Music Hall of Fame

Nashville is well-known for the Country Music Hall of Fame. This iconic museum is home to one of the largest collections of country music memorabilia in the world. Seniors can enjoy a walk through history with exhibits featuring:

  • Priceless instruments
  • One-of-a-kind vintage recordings
  • Films of behind-the-scenes footage from legendary artists

The museum also offers guided tours that make the experience even more enriching. With knowledgeable guides providing fascinating insights, seniors can learn more about their favorite stars and the origins of their favorite tunes.

A key point here is that the facility is wheelchair accessible. With ramps, elevators, and rotating doors, your loved one can enjoy this experience—no matter their mobility.

Visit the Parthenon

A trip to Greece to see the ancient architecture is on many bucket lists, but it’s not always realistic or feasible. Fortunately, you don’t need to travel an ocean away when there’s a full-scale replica of the Parthenon located here in Nashville. 

Located in Centennial Park, this stunning structure offers an unexpected yet delightful taste of ancient Greece right in the heart of Tennessee. This architectural marvel also houses an internal contemporary art museum, opening up a world of impressive artwork that’s sure to make you wonder.

You and your loved one can enjoy a leisurely tour around the park before heading inside. You’ll be able to witness the impressive statue of Athena and plenty of other exhibits celebrating ancient Greek art and culture, along with an entire exhibition’s worth of donated artwork from famed artists all over the world.

The Parthenon is easily accessible and provides plenty of seating areas where seniors can rest and take in the surroundings. It’s a great spot for a picnic, so you can even bring along some snacks and enjoy a meal with your loved one outdoors!

Visiting the Frist Art Museum

If your loved one has a passion for art, the Frist Art Museum is an absolute treasure trove of visual lights sure to captivate you both for the afternoon. This museum features rotating exhibits that cover several ranges of artistic styles and periods, so there’s always something new to see—even if you go every week.

From classical paintings to contemporary installations, the Frist offers a diverse and engaging art experience. This museum is designed to be senior-friendly, with plenty of easily accessible seating and facilities. Meanwhile, there are also programs tailored specifically for older adults with a love for art, including:

  • Guided tours
  • Special viewings
  • Art-making workshops

Spending a day at the Frist Art Museum isn’t just a feast for the eyes. It’s a wonderful way to stimulate the mind, learn more about art styles from all over the world, and enjoy the opportunity to gain a true one-of-a-kind interpretation of some of the most famous artists on Earth.

Guided Tours

Some days, the best way to spend an afternoon is to learn more about where you live. For seniors in Nashville looking for a pleasant adventure, why not try a guided tour?

A senior man giving his wife a piggyback and laughing while on a guided tour of a Nashville park.

Guided tours are an excellent way for seniors to explore Nashville without the hassle of navigating on their own. There are numerous tour operators throughout the city that specialize in offering custom tours catering to different interests. You can learn more about:

  • The city’s history
  • The nearby scenic landscapes
  • The food and drink scene

One popular option is the Nashville Old Town Trolley tour that takes visitors through some of Nashville’s most iconic landmarks, including:

  • The Ryman Auditorium
  • Music Row
  • Historical sites like the State Capitol

For those who prefer a more intimate experience, walking tours are a great choice. These tours allow seniors to explore specific neighborhoods at a leisurely pace while learning about the local architecture, history, and hidden gems that make Nashville unique.

Watching Live Music

No visit to Nashville would be complete without experiencing its vibrant live music scene. The city is renowned for its diverse array of live performances, from country and blues to jazz and classical music. For seniors, there are plenty of venues that offer shows suitable for all tastes and preferences.

The Grand Ole Opry is a legendary venue that hosts some of the best country music performances in the world. Seniors can enjoy a night of unforgettable entertainment in a venue steeped in history and tradition. For a more intimate setting, the Bluebird Café is a fantastic spot to catch singer-songwriters in action in a peaceful, close environment.

Many locations throughout the city offer easily accessible seating and transportation, offering a musical experience to people of all ages. No matter what music your loved one enjoys, Nashville can offer it!

Something New Every Day

Retirement doesn’t mean boredom—quite the opposite! For seniors and their families in Nashville, there are endless opportunities for fun ways to spend an afternoon. 

Here at The Village at Bellevue, we know how important entertainment is to a person’s quality of life. That’s why we offer a wide range of engaging services and experiences to make every day unique. Your loved one deserves a place to call home where they can experience something new every day, so book a tour with our community today!

Written by Angela Clark

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